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      Community Development posted an update

      4 months ago (edited)

      Thỏi vàng 5199 Gold
      Diamon Pink

      Building communities through platforms like Facebook, Zalo, Telegram, or similar chat groups offers many advantages, but they also come with certain limitations. Here are some key constraints of these methods:

      1/ Lack of control and management:

      On social media platforms or chat apps, managing content and members can be challenging, especially when the community grows rapidly. Features for controlling things like member roles or content moderation can be limited or complicated, making it difficult to maintain order and ensure content quality.

      2/ Low privacy and security:

      These platforms typically don’t offer high levels of privacy and security for users. Personal information of members can easily be exposed or not protected well enough, especially on chat apps.

      3/ Lack of customization:

      Platforms like Facebook, Zalo, and Telegram provide limited tools for customizing the user interface and experience. You can’t deeply modify features to meet the specific needs of your community, which can hinder growth if your community requires unique functionalities.

      4/ Dependence on platform algorithms:

      Platforms like Facebook use algorithms to determine who sees posts, which can cause members to miss important updates. This is particularly problematic when you want to maintain engagement and ensure everyone has access to the latest information.

      5/ Difficulty in building a unique brand:

      By using common platforms, you’re fully reliant on their infrastructure, reducing your ability to establish a distinct brand for your community. Your group might get “lost” among thousands of others, making it hard to stand out.

      6/ Dispersed and unfocused communication:

      Using multiple platforms like Facebook, Telegram, and Zalo can result in scattered information and members. Users may need to track different channels, leading to a loss of focus and making it harder to manage all information from a single source.

      To overcome these limitations:

      • Building a dedicated website or specialized platform for your community could allow for better management, increased security, and customized experiences tailored to your needs.
      • Utilizing professional community management tools such as Discord (with more detailed management features) or CRM solutions can help track activities and interactions within your community effectively.

        – Chuong.vn